Why I do what I do

TJ Gilroy

My wife Mary and I live in the Pinehurst area of North Carolina. A former Marine Corps pilot and tactical equipment business owner, I became an author to share what I learned about finding my purpose.

Like many people, I thought I knew what I wanted to do with my life after I left college, only to find I was greatly mistaken. I didn’t know what a purpose was, certainly didn’t have one, and had no idea how to find mine. But after finding a mentor who was entirely focused on his purpose, I thought it might be a good idea to get one. That’s when the journey began.

I found out that many authors, self-help professionals, and church leaders can tell you what a purpose is, and some can tell you why it is important to have one, but no one could tell me how to actually find mine. That made me more than a little frustrated. I didn’t want to just hear about how great having a purpose was, I wanted a path to follow to find mine. Maybe it was because of my pilot background, but what I was looking for was a checklist and a system.

Guess what? No system existed, so I used my Authenticity Advantage and pieced one together. It will work for anyone that chooses to follow it. BUT, there are some major obstacles you will encounter in actually trying to discover your purpose.

First, to find your purpose you will need to find your GIFT. Your GIFT is the one talent you possess that can be developed into greatness as determined by the very unique way in which you think. But you will not be able to find your GIFT until you know who you really are. Almost no one knows who they really are, and the biggest reason for that is what I call a Father Fracture. These obstacles can be overcome by anyone, but it takes some effort and a system.

The blog posts, podcasts, and the books I have written are all designed to move you down the path to finding your GIFT. It is the superpower you were born with that is perfectly designed by your Creator to make you successful in this life. As you will hear me often say;

  • You have a Special GIFT,
  • employing your GIFT is your purpose, and
  • applying it to a vision is how you will make a difference.

As Saint Peter said“As each one has received a special gift, employ it in serving one another as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.” 1 Peter 4:10, NASB.

Employing your GIFT (your Authenticity Advantage) to serve others will be both fulfilling and rewarding in every sense of those words.